We love what's in this smoothie recipe. Take a look...
Coconut Water: This is the most hydrating liquid base out there.
Pineapple: This natural sweetener turns this healthy smoothie into a decadent poolside cooler.
Lime: Fresh limes make the most vibrant flavors and can be blended effortlessly into a mint smoothie.
Mint: This herb is a natural stimulant, which can help your perk up during a painfully slow afternoon, or even give you a healthy jolt before you head to the gym.
Friends will keep coming back for more when you serve up this refreshingly sweet pineapple mint smoothie.
- 1 cup fresh kale
- 1 cup coconut water
- 1 1/2 cups pineapple
- ¼ cup fresh mint leaves
- Juice of 1 lime
- Blend kale and coconut water until smooth.
- Add remaining ingredients, and blend until smooth. Enjoy!